Moving on

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, July 7, 2012 0 comments

Thank you for following the Trio blog.  If you'd like to continue reading about the adventures of Franny, Cole, and Delaney, please check us out at  I don't know if this will be a permanent change, but one that I am pursuing at this time.

Also, for the safety of my family, I am going to be making the blog private.  While the blog has always been intended for friends and family, I do know there are a few others that follow the Trio blog.  Those of  you who would like to continue to follow once the blog is made private, please contact me through this blog.

I'm looking forward to continuing to share their  adventures with you!


Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, July 5, 2012 0 comments

This 4th of July, we purchased a few fireworks for the kids to enjoy.  Nothing big--a few smoke bombs, Screaming Willies, spinners, and sparklers.  All the kids--and especially Cole--loved them!  When they're older, we'll have them stay up late to watch the big fireworks, but for now, these were just perfect!

4th of July

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

The kids love celebrating the 4th of July at Auntie Noelle's house--they talk about it almost all year round, and it's a very big deal!  Which isn't surprising--the parade, a very yummy picnic, and fun in the sprinkler were just the highlights of this year's super fun celebration.  The kids had an incredible time!

Sleep-over with her BFF

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, July 2, 2012 0 comments

This weekend, Franny had her first ever sleep-over at her friend Megan's house.  It could not have gone any easier--the two went to bed, read their Justice and American Girl catalogs, and then fell asleep with their American Girls.  The next morning, they woke up happy and played well into the afternoon. She had the best time!  She was sad to leave, and am certain she would have been perfectly happy to stay another night!  These two have been friends their entire lives, but it is just recently that they have become BFFs (best friends forever).  The joy that I see Franny have with this friendship is very sweet; she loves her siblings but there is something very special about a friend at this age that she can have fun with and that likes the same things she does.  This was a big deal for Franny, and I am so happy that it could not have gone any better.  It was perfect!  

Safety Town

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, July 1, 2012 0 comments

Cole has spent the last two weeks at Safety Town Camp.   I am very impressed with this program, and the experience they provide the kids.  Every day the kids learn valuable information about different types of safety--police and pedestrians, bike and car, home fire, strangers, animals, water, poison, and personal safety.  Everything is presented in a way that kids find fun--songs, puppet shows, art and activities, and uniformed officers. 

On Friday, the kids' final day was all about fun.  There were four different police vehicles that the kids could climb in, check out the computers and cameras, and talk to the officers.  Then, they had a short graduation ceremony where they received certificates and sang their safety songs for parents and guests.      I think Cole had fun in his camp, and I know he was very pleased with the graduation--especially having his sisters and grandparents there!  It was a great way to conclude his two weeks of Safety Town.
