
Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, June 30, 2010 0 comments

I’ve always been thankful for the playgroup that Franny became a part of nearly five years ago.  She has participated in a lot of activities and classes, but this group I value above everything else.  I organize our week based on when we meet, and it has to be something really special and unusual for me to schedule anything over it.  Today, I was talking to one of the other moms, and realized that we would be on vacation for the last playgroup before they all start kindergarten.  I was very disappointed that Franny would miss it, especially since it will be a special celebration.  We have missed so few playgroups that I find it almost unbearable that we will miss this one.   Now, I have become even sadder as I realize that their time together is about to come to an end.  We have talked about continuing the playgroup for the younger group, but I don’t know if it will really happen.  I certainly hope so—there is such a tremendous benefit to a weekly playtime with friends, and I want the same great experience for Cole that Franny has had.   Of course, it would be different, but it really should be—they aren’t their older siblings, after all.  They have unique personalities and relationships to each other—many of which have been slow to develop because they are more focused on keeping up with the older kids.  But, one thing is the same for both Franny and Cole—it is their favorite day—they look forward to it and ask about it throughout the week.  And, I admit, I want it to continue for myself, as well.  Such wonderful memories and good times.  Hopefully, there will be many more to come.



Basketball camp

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, June 29, 2010 0 comments

Both Franny and Cole have had a great time in basketball camp this week.  I’m glad that basketball was scheduled early in the summer, because Franny had been asking about it (and soccer) long before the camps even started!  I didn’t go to watch Cole, as I didn’t want to be a distraction to him, as he is still getting settled in a new classroom.  But, I did go to see Franny, which was a lot of fun.  Now, both kids want to get our basketball hoop out of storage, so they can show off their new moves.   And, they do both have some pretty impressive moves!  



The almost-reader

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, June 28, 2010 0 comments

Franny loves books, and has been memorizing them since she began talking in sentences.  In this way, she reads not only to herself, but also to Delaney and Cole.  She is very sweet when she reads to them, and asks them questions about the pictures and makes comments about the story. As for actually reading, however, she isn’t quite there, yet.  She recognizes a lot of words, but hasn’t gotten to the point where she will put together the phonics. She is getting close, though.  Recently, she has started to really like the Level 1 reading books that have the vocabulary lists at the end, and likes to have me quiz her on their definitions.  I love how excited she gets when she knows the answer.  I think that Franny is really going to enjoy school!


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Music, at last!!

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, June 27, 2010 0 comments

Since the minor remodel and reflooring project we took on earlier this year, the only music we've had downstairs has been that which I've played on my laptop. This has been a big deal because we always had the music on, and listening to the laptop is really no comparison. But, this weekend we finally have our new system up and running, and everyone was no less than ecstatic. Once the first song came on, Franny and Cole were dancing all over the house. Even Delaney had some moves!

Trio dancing from T on Vimeo.

Cole dancing from T on Vimeo.

This weekend was one of those wonderful, beautiful Portland weekends that we dream about all winter and spring.  It makes me want to barbecue, turn up Jimmy Buffet, and bask in the sun.  And, it makes the kids want to get wet.  We’ve had the water table out all week, which all three kids have yet to tire of, but after a great dinner out on Saturday, Rick decided to add a wading pool to the kids’ summer fun.  And, what fun it was!  Franny and Cole used it as an extension to the water table, and Delaney wanted in and out and in and out again.  She did fall a number of times (which didn’t really upset her); the first time she feel, I said whoops! and after that, every time she fell she said the absolute sweetest little whoops!  It almost made me want her to fall!  They had such a great time, and after two really busy weeks, it was nice to spend some time at home.  Finally, they finished today by turning on the Zone 1 sprinklers.  It was definitely a lot of water, but they wouldn’t have had it any other way. 


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A walk with Delaney

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, June 26, 2010 0 comments

Delaney is still taking a solid morning nap.  I’ve thought a couple of times that she was phasing it out, but then she settled back into it.  Although I must say that on school days it does get me a time frame to be very productive, on other days I’d like her to be done with it so we have a lot more flexibility in the mornings.  And, during the weekends, the morning nap also leaves us feeling a little isolated at home while Rick, Franny, and Cole run errands, as Delaney is awake long before they all return.  Today, the warm sunshine was too welcoming to resist, so Delaney and I decided to go for a walk.  Walking with a newly walking, curious toddler is very slow.  A few steps…bending over to check out the weed growing out the crack on the curb…a few more steps, stopping to feel the rough texture of the sidewalk…a few more steps…stopping to watch the cars, dogs, or anything that moves…sometimes even turning around to go the other way.  For someone who is trying to actually go on a walk, it would have been frustrating and tedious.  But, for Delaney, who is just beginning to discover the world, and myself, who loves to watch her, it was such fun! 


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Trying to keep up

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments

Delaney is trying so hard to keep up with Franny and Cole. Someday, she'll probably be faster than either of them, just because she always had to try so hard!

Chasing the big kids from T on Vimeo.

Summer camp kick-off

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, June 22, 2010 0 comments



During the summer weeks, Franny’s preschool has a series of summer camps.  There is still some academics, but there is a lot of really fun activities for the kids.  Each week has a different theme—there will be soccer, basketball, dance, Tae Kwon Do, among many others.  This week is ‘Under the Big Top’ and one of today’s highlights was face painting, which is something Franny always loves to do.  I had mixed feelings of keeping Franny in school during the summer before she starts full-time kindergarten, but it in the end, it really made sense for us.  And now, seeing how much fun she is having, both with activities and her good friends, I have no doubts it was the best decision.  Now, my only second thought is the decision to scale her her back to just two days!  I think it’s going to be a really great summer!

Call for Delaney

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, June 21, 2010 1 comments

The kids have very thoughtful cousins who always take the time to think of them and give them a phone call on their birthdays. And so, Delaney received her first call on her special day. She got a kick out of listening to her cousins talk to her, and was actually very responsive to them. Her sweet chatter is always very cute, but it was even more so because she seemed to actually be trying to talk back. As with so many other things, I have a feeling little Delaney will be early to talk, too!

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Birthday phone call from T on Vimeo.

Fathers Day

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, June 20, 2010 0 comments

This foursome was so cozy on the couch this morning, I thought for sure that I would get a great picture for Fathers Day.  My first try wasn’t bad, but I really wanted to get Delaney’s smile in there, too.  Well, as the pictures show (as well as the ten others I didn’t post), it just wasn’t meant to be.  They are a silly and fun-loving bunch and they are very fortunate to have a daddy who is just as silly and fun-loving.  And, they do know how wonderful he is—their adoration shows in their eyes every time they look at him.  Seeing their excitement when he comes home, as well as the love they share every day is one of my favorite things.  Having just one day to celebrate fathers does not seem even near adequate, but it is a very special day.


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Delaney's first birthday

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, June 19, 2010 1 comments

Today Delaney turned one year old, which we celebrated at home with family. Delaney distinguished herself from her elder siblings at this age by solidly walking and by actually eating her cake! I think she really enjoyed her birthday. I definitely enjoyed seeing her have fun with those that are special to her. Happy birthday, Delaney!

Delaney from T on Vimeo.

School friends

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, June 17, 2010 0 comments

The kids had a great time this afternoon at their school picnic.  Franny especially enjoyed running and playing with her friends.  I love being able to see how much fun she has with her schoolmates.  Some are new friends and others she has known for three years, but they do seem to have a special bond between them.  Cole also had fun playing with a little boy from his class; they had a great time rolling down the steep hill on the edge of the playground.  I am excited to see how his friendships develop during the upcoming years. Such good times!


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Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, June 16, 2010 0 comments



There is no question that the kids pick up expressions from friends, family, and people around them.  Sometimes it is obvious where the got it from, other times, I have no idea.  Riding home in the car today, I heard Franny say Cole, that is so awesome!  By the time we got home, Cole thought everything he saw was awesome, too.  Of course, I’ve heard this expression millions of times, but it sounds so funny to hear it come out of their mouths.

Preschool graduation

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, June 15, 2010 0 comments

Today, Franny had her preschool graduation.  It was a very simple, but sweet celebration.  The kids sang three songs, were given their school portfolios as diplomas, and then threw their graduation crowns up in the air.  It was all very cute.  Franny has attended this school for over three years, so it was nice for them to recognize their hard work and that they are moving on to new schools.  It has been a really great experience for Franny—she had wonderful, nurturing teachers, met her first friends (of her own choosing), learned a great deal, and had a lot of fun.  I know she will have a great time in kindergarten, but I will always remember her years here with great fondness. 



Franny’s class; unfortunately, in the group photo you can’t see her.  She is standing right in front of the teachers. 



Franny’s diploma


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The throwing of the crowns!  One of Franny’s best friends is the little girl in pink on her left

Miss D

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, June 14, 2010 0 comments

Delaney is just days away from her first birthday.  The first year of a baby’s life has such dramatic changes—growth, milestones, personality.  And, Delaney has pushed them all to the limit.  Her desire to keep up with Franny and Cole is so incredibly obvious that it is almost comical.  But, with each passing day she does get increasingly closer.   The baby in her is fading away and the toddler is emerging.  I don’t feel nostalgic about the change. Rather, I am excited to see her grow and develop into a little person, with a distinctive character and uniqueness that is all her own.  I must say, from what we can see of her personality now, I can’t wait to see what she’s like in another year!


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The fun continues

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, June 13, 2010 0 comments

There are few things that beat a beautiful summer day in Portland.  With outdoor weather just emerging, there are so many things that we have been waiting to do, we almost don’t know what to do first!  Today, we opted for a fun picnic in Wallace Park, followed by a fun hike at the Hoyt Arboretum.  The wild flowers were in full bloom, clear skies revealed incredible views, and we had a wonderful time being amongst the beauty that Portland has to offer.  One of the great things of having such seasonal weather, is the opportunity to rediscover our favorite things every year.  Following the same line of thought, we ended our day eating outside at our neighborhood McMenamins and then the kids enjoyed a special treat at Dairy Queen.  We had such a fun day—we are now counting the minutes until next weekend when we can continue our adventures together!



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Dare we say…..summer?

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, June 12, 2010 1 comments

What a beautiful day!  Eighty degrees is quite the turn around from the torrential downpours that have been the norm over the past weeks.  We took advantage of our first warm day by taking in the Beaverton Farmers Market and the fountain at the adjacent Beaverton City Park.  Then, we enjoyed lunch at the strawberry festival at our local New Seasons Market, with lots of yummy strawberry treats, music, and face painting.  Later, we wrapped up our day with dinner at the Lucky Lab and a treat of ice cream at Ben and Jerry’s.  It was a wonderful day. We are definitely ready for summer!



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Shiny beads and big sister flattery

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, June 10, 2010 0 comments

All the kids always seem to have something they play with that has little redeemable value but still takes on a great deal of importance.  For Delaney, her current favorite thing is this silly strand of plastic beads.  Not only are they silver and shiny, but they are Franny’s, and nothing can top that!  Unfortunately, they weren’t enough to keep her attention during our shopping trip to Trader Joe’s this week, but as I stated before, little redeemable value is a key characteristic.  



A time for silliness

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, June 8, 2010 1 comments

Mondays are our crazy day.  There is school, music class for Cole, ballet class for Franny; we are going non-stop from 7:30 to 6:30.  It seems like every minute is accounted for and there is very little room for any kind of unexpected variation or event.  We all have to come together as a team and work together.  Even Delaney has to be asleep by a certain time and then awake at a certain time if it is all going to come together.   Our schedule certainly doesn’t allow for an ease into the beginning of the week.  By the time we are finally home and eat dinner together (on a good day that means a crock pot meal, on a less than ideal day it means black beans, brown rice, avocado, chips and salsa) there are only a handful of minutes before the kids’ bedtime.  This week, the sunshine—a rarity as of late—was out and Franny, Cole, and Delaney were able to enjoy those few moments outside with their silly daddy.  They love to play chase, ride bikes and cars, and just have some great fun, free of structure and rules.  This week, we allowed for some extra time, as I think we all just needed it.  And, the sun on our face was a welcome bonus!  Doesn’t every day need at least a little time for silliness?  I think so!


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Butterfly garden

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, June 7, 2010 0 comments

Over the course of the weekend, our beautiful butterflies emerged from their cocoons.  The kids enjoyed watching them, and in the process, learned a lot about butterflies, but it was time to let them go.  Today, we took them outside to set them free. The first three flew off very quickly, but two reluctant butterflies stayed behind.  Franny and Cole watched them for quite some time, but they just didn’t seem to want to go.  They finally had to give up their vigil, since we had to leave to take Franny to ballet, so we left their transitional home open and hoped they would find their way.  By the time we returned, they had done just that. This was the second year we’ve had a butterfly garden, and it was a great experience for the kids.  Franny especially was a consistent observer.  For the extent of the two weeks it took them to mature, she never lost interest and noticed even the slightest changes on a daily basis.  I must admit, I love the butterfly garden, but the best part is just watching her response and interaction with it—she’s such a special little girl!     


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June Jubilee

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, June 6, 2010 1 comments

Every year, the Oregon Gymnastics Academy puts on their June Jubilee, where family and friends are able to come and see the kids perform a short routine, as well as their beam, bar, and trampoline skills.  Franny did a really good job, especially considering the large number of kids and viewing guests present.  I was really proud of her—I could tell she was very nervous, but she did everything she needed to do and did it with exceptional poise.  During her weekly class, I only have the opportunity to see her gymnastics in very small bits and pieces, since I am with Cole in his class at the same time.  Needless to say, it was really fun for me to see her, as well as fun for her to have me watch.  At the end, the had a very small award ceremony where all the participants receive a certificate and trophy.  It’s really nice for the kids to have a chance to showcase their skills and be rewarded for their hard work.  Once Kindergarten starts this Fall, it will interesting to see how we fit in the various activities that she has always been involved in.  I do hope that this is one that she chooses to continue—not only does she really enjoy it, but she is really good at it, too!


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Cole’s cake

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

There was a lot of thoughtfulness and love that went into Cole’s John Deere birthday cake.  I thought I’d post some additional pictures to show the incredible details that his Auntie Noelle created.   Of all the cakes she has made for the kids, she said this was probably her favorite.  And, that is saying a lot—she has made some truly wonderful cakes. 

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Cole waiting in anticipation


A day for Cole

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, June 5, 2010 1 comments

It has been a big year for Cole; there have been a lot of transitions and adjustments that he has handled incredibly well.  He is such a wonderful little boy—he has the sweetest personality and is incredibly generous and kind.  He has become a great big brother and is very attentive and sweet to his little sister.  He is also always very patient with all the things that Franny gets to do.  For all these reasons, I really wanted to give him a ‘big kid’ party and a big day just for him.  Today, Cole and about ten little friends joined him for pizza, cake, and fun at Pump It Up.  His anticipation and excitement was unmistakable—especially once his Auntie Noelle started decorating his John Deere cake.  I wanted him to feel extra special and I am quite sure we succeeded—the look on his face when we brought him his cake and sang Happy Birthday reflected exactly that.  The little boy who has been constantly in the shadow of Franny, the oldest, and Delaney, the youngest, had a big day just for him.  Happy birthday, Cole! 


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