Coming together

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, March 29, 2010 0 comments

This proud face is of an almost-three year old who completed his first 25 piece puzzle entirely by himself.  Cole has always loved puzzles, but he has also always needed a little help to get them completed.  Today, he surprised me by sitting and working on his puzzle by himself while I cleaned up our room.  He was slow and steady, commenting to himself about edge pieces and corner pieces and about what different pieces were a part of, like Bert’s boot or Ernie’s face.  Before I knew it, he had it done!  I think he was very pleased, and liked me making a big deal about it.  Every day they take a step forward, sometimes it may seem to be just the smallest of ways, but to me it is all a big deal.  This time, like many other times, it’s the look on his face that really makes it special, because it’s clear that it meant something to him, as well!  



New friends

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, March 28, 2010 1 comments

Tonight, these two sweet girls became very fast friends.  From the moment they set eyes on each other, they were practically inseparable.  They say that children this young don’t actually play together, but these two came pretty close; they definitely had more interaction than what child researchers define as ‘parallel play’.  Regardless, it was very clear that Miss D and Miss A are on track to be the good friends their older sisters are!


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Cole and things that go

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, March 25, 2010 0 comments

Cole went around the rink a couple of times with me holding him and keeping him steady, but that was all he wanted to do.  He chose to spend the rest of time watching and hanging out with the rest of the younger set.  He was incredibly patient and didn’t complain once, even though he spent close to an hour watching and waiting.  At the end of the skating session, we were all ready to find a warm place.  But, while Franny was the last one off the ice, Cole was the last one out of the arena.  The reason—he was intently focused on the zamboni cleaning the ice.  For him, I think it made the whole trip worthwhile! 



Dreaming of salchows

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Franny and Cole went ice skating today with their playgroup.  All morning, Franny kept saying I am SO excited about ice skating!  The first fifteen minutes were difficult, but she soon found her balance and did really well.  I was very impressed with how she stuck with it until she was able to skate on her own.  In the end, she had a great time and was the last one off the ice. She last thing she asked before going to bed was When can we go ice skating again?   That’s Franny—always adventurous and always finding the fun in everything.   I love that about her.


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Cole’s big brown moment

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments



For a long time now, Cole has been an enormous fan of the UPS man.  He points out the trucks while we are in the car, as well as any of the UPS stores in the area, but it is the combination of the UPS man and the truck that really excites him.  We went to the UPS store awhile back, and he was very disappointed that the UPS man wasn’t there.  Today, Rick and the kids met the UPS man in the driveway to accept a package.  When Rick mentioned what a big fan Cole was, the driver offered to give him a tour of his truck.  It was short, but a very big deal for Cole, and a very sweet gesture that I greatly appreciated.  I’m a big fan now, too!

A Trio of swingers

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, March 23, 2010 0 comments


Sisters and swings

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

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In good hands

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

We knew it was just a matter of time before Delaney got her first ride on Grandpa’s four wheeler, but today was the day.  And, snug on Grandpa’s lap, she she was more than a willing passenger.  It was definitely a fun adventure on a beautiful day for this little girl who is desperately trying to keep up with her older siblings.  I think she was very pleased. 


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Soon, Delaney, soon…

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, March 22, 2010 1 comments

It seems as though Delaney has won the battle with her ‘almost’ ear infection.  She was close to her normal self today—giggling, playing, and constantly on the go, exploring her crazy world. She even ate her favorite dinner of black beans and avocado.  Once we get our house back to ourselves and resume normalcy, I think she will really be happy and more settled.  She has adjusted well to all the changes we have undergone, but I know it has affected her to a certain degree.  I look forward to being able return Delaney to our normal family environment.  At which point, we may even start hoping for her sleeping through the night.  Just maybe…



If Cole had a hammer

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, March 21, 2010 0 comments

The kids have been surrounded by a lot of building and fixing, as of late.  Although the floor and stair projects have been the big focus, Cole also has a new interest in Handy Manny—he has a couple of books and a musical toy toolbox, all of which he really enjoys.  Not a day goes by that there isn’t a tape measure or hammer in the midst of our regular routine, and Cole has even been known to sleep with one tool or another. But, he never gets to use them for anything real.  This weekend, however, he and Franny helped Grandpa fix the fence.  Franny lost interest relatively quickly, but, for Cole, it was a very big deal.  I think he was a little surprised at how hard you actually have to hit the hammer.  But, definitely fun times, regardless.


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A new way up

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

This weekend, we had to spend one night away from our home, since our stairs were being rebuilt.  Of course, this is a big deal for Franny and Cole.  Not only because our home is going through a dramatic transformation, but also due to all the tools, building, and people that are continuously around.  In the case of the stairs, I must admit, I was definitely as intrigued as the kids.  Our ever-growing home improvement project is unquestionably a tedious process.  But, in some ways it is also exciting, and in the case of the stairs, it is reassuring that our home will be safer, as well.


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Not a happy nine months

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, March 19, 2010 0 comments

Delaney was nine months today.  She didn’t, however, find it much of a day for celebrating.  After a week of coughing and congestion, as well as a very bad morning, today, we took her into the doctor’s office for a quick check before heading into the weekend.  As it turns out, she ‘almost’ has an ear infection.  She is at the tipping point—another day and she could have a full blown infection, but if she is able to fight it off, it may never materialize.  The doctor said if she seemed uncomfortable or fussy that it would be fine to give her some relief with Tylenol or Motrin.  Needless to say, she went to bed tonight with the maximum dose for her slim little frame.  Sweet D, we do hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow!



A day for friends

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, March 18, 2010 0 comments

Not only was today a beautiful day, but Franny and Cole were able to spend the morning with very special friends, and then the afternoon with a very special aunt.  It doesn’t get much better than that!  Even the animals at the zoo seemed to be in exceptional spirits, today.  I think everyone must be feeling the winter thaw and anticipating the upcoming spring.  It is definitely a wonderful feeling.


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Sunshine on our shoulders

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, March 17, 2010 0 comments

Franny, Cole, and Delaney all enjoyed our beautiful Wednesday—each in their own way.  Franny was all about riding her bike, Cole couldn’t get enough of riding around in his and Franny’s cars.  Delaney just loved being around her siblings—they always bring out her biggest smiles. 


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Skippyjon Cole

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

Cole loves Skippyjon Jones books.   They are very comical and creative books, and really, what’s not to love about a Siamese cat that pretends he is a Chihuahua? Right now, Cole’s favorite is Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones.  We have read the book hundreds of times, but we’ve never used the audio CD that came with it.  Today, while I was putting away clothes, I asked Cole if he wanted to listen to the book on CD.  I didn’t expect him to really follow the story with the CD, but I thought he’d get a kick out of it, since he is so into the book, and I could help him keep the pages in sync with the narration.  But, from the first time, (he listened to it four times in a row) he followed the story with the CD, and turned the page exactly when he should.  Although we do read this book every day at least once, I was surprised that he followed it spot on.  He also started to sing along with parts of it, laughed at other parts, threw his hands up high over his head when Skippyjon was bouncing on his bed high up to the ceiling, and spoke along with sections, as well.  It was extremely fun to watch him, and I think he liked ‘reading’ the book by himself. 



Fancy fruit

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, March 15, 2010 1 comments

Last week, Franny helped me make a curry chicken salad that included currants.  If she is cooking, Franny is much more adventurous with tasting the ingredients, especially vegetables and herbs—I’ve seen her eat a whole broccoli stem, although she insists she doesn’t like vegetables.  Had I just offered her currants, she probably would have never tried them.  But, ever since we made our salad, they have become one of Franny’s favorite snacks, and I always tease her by calling them fancy raisins.  Today, Cole decided he wanted to join in on the currant craze.  Such fancy kids we have!


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How sweet it is to be loved by Cole

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, March 14, 2010 0 comments



Cole absolutely adores his daddy.  He likes to dress like him, wear his badge, and carry his phone.  If Rick is in the room, Cole must be with him, and if Rick isn’t in the room, Cole wants to be where he is.  A week or two ago, Cole climbed up into Rick’s lap, gave him a hug, and said Daddy, you are my friend.  It was one of those moments that tug at your heart.  Now, almost every day, Cole says this to Rick.  I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it. 

The twins

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, March 13, 2010 1 comments

On a trip to our favorite local toy store, Franny became very attached to these twins.  She had to leave them behind, but Santa remembered and brought them to her for Christmas.  They don’t have names, they are merely ‘the twins’.  But, this is no indication of their importance.  In just a few short months, they have become as much a part of her bedtime routine as her princess nightgown and her giraffe blanket.  They sleep with her every night—one on one side of her and one on the other.  It’s hard to predict what is going to be loved by Franny; I’m not certain what it is about these twins that she finds so endearing; but, whatever it is, she certainly does adore them. 


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Delaney loves Franny

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, March 12, 2010 0 comments

D loves F from T on Vimeo.

Lovin’ it

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Franny was very happy about the progress that was made on our floors, today.  Actually, we all were, but it was Franny who expressed her joy the most vibrantly…


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Tool envy

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Ever since Nate’s initial visit when he used his tape measure to measure the size of our rooms downstairs, Cole has had a big case of hero worship.  Then, when he brought in all his big, loud tools, Cole’s awe increased even more.  Every day he goes into our front rooms where they are kept to look and admire. I must admit, considering his obvious interest, he has been very good about not touching them—at least most of the time.  Today, Cole watched most vigilantly from the landing as he finally saw all those tools being put to use.  He was so quiet and serious, if it hadn’t been for Auntie Noelle’s visit, he may have stayed there all day. 



Background noise

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, March 11, 2010 0 comments

Delaney amazes me on a daily basis.  Today was day one of our flooring installation.  The noise was quite substantial, with very loud, constant sawing and hammering.  Delaney slept through it all, taking close to a two hour nap.  I really couldn’t enjoy it, however, as with every slam, cut, or hammer, I just cringed with the anticipation of her not only waking up, but of waking up tired and unhappy.  I am hoping she will continue to be able to nap throughout the duration of this project, but it’s probably a little early to be too hopeful.  We’ll see.


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Night and day

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, March 10, 2010 0 comments


It has been nearly four months since we added the upper bunk to to Franny’s bed, and she has not spent the night on the bottom bunk even one night since.  Every night she goes to bed with her twins, giraffe blanket, and a book.  She reads her book and then falls asleep.  She’s incredibly easy in that way.  Although she didn’t sleep through the night until she was almost a year old, with very few exceptions, she has been great ever since.  We’ve never had any ‘bed battles’ with Franny and she’s never come out of her room for any reason other than to use the bathroom.  Once she’s in bed, Franny is set until morning.  And, although she really doesn’t wake up with the same ease, I’ll take the easy bedtime any day!


And then, there is Cole.  If the ceaseless tapping that was coming from his room is any indication, he spent nearly two hours hammering everything in his room, and spent over an hour ‘fixing’ his bed, until he finally fell asleep on the floor.  



Reading with Cole

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, March 9, 2010 1 comments



I love reading books to Cole at bedtime.  We lay down on the bed together and it is one of the few times that he is calm and snuggly.  He even speaks more softly than what is typical for him.   It is such a sweet time.  I enjoy reading him books during the day, as well, but there is always multiple things going on at the same time, that I rarely have the opportunity to focus entirely on Cole.  At bedtime, it is just us and the books he chooses.  I makes no difference to me if it’s Skippy Jon Jones or Go Dog Go!  I just love those sweet moments with Cole.

The tipper

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, March 8, 2010 0 comments

Some days just don’t get started on a positive note.  And then there are some days where it seems like nothing is going right to the point where the anticipation that something further is going to go wrong casts a dark shadow on the rest of the day.  Our morning was a disaster from the beginning, and I was starting to think today would be one of those days.  But, I really didn’t want it to be one of those days, and while driving Franny to school (thirty minutes late), I decided that it would not be one of those days.  And, finally a little someone gave me a lot of help and tipped the day in our favor.  Sweet Delaney, after being pulled from her crib and woken up fifteen minutes into her nap, in order to take Franny to school, returned home and went to sleep again without even a complaint and proceeded to take a solid nap, as if she had never been interrupted.  Given my experience with her two elder siblings, I thought this was an impossible feat.  Delaney, however, proved me wrong.  And although the rest of the day was definitely not smooth sailing, everything went so much better, and I owe the rescue of our day to Delaney.  And, I think that more than makes up for the four times she got up last night. 



Growing up, but moving down

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, March 7, 2010 0 comments

Some lessons are hard to learn.  Delaney has always developed in spurts, with a minimal learning curve.  This was no more apparent than today, when she not only pulled herself up in her crib, but then pulled herself up and out.  Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt, but she did scare the whole household.  We didn’t waste any more time and lowered her crib.  Never again will we underestimate Delaney’s determination to move from baby to toddler.  She’s not there yet, but she’s getting closer.  And much too quickly!


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