
Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, May 23, 2010

I’ve posted a lot of pictures of Delaney with food on her face, lately.  It’s less the messy face that I find endearing, but the joy and enthusiasm that led to that messy face.  We had some much pressure to have Cole gain weight, that we never really gave him the chance to just eat what he wanted and have fun with it at his own pace.  Even though Delaney is just as lean, I have tried not to repeat that mistake with her journey of food discovery.  And, she really is a great eater—she eats a lot of protein, vegetables, and fruit, and she is good about trying new foods.  Today’s sample at Trader Joe’s was blackberries, which she ate so quickly, we took some home for lunch, as well.  At lunch, she had a great deal of fun eating more and squishing them between her fingers.  It was quite a process, but amazingly, all that was left over was what was on her—every other little piece was eaten.  I like having a lot of different fruits in the rotation, and it’s nice to be able to add one more.  Given how much she liked these, I think she’s going to love Oregon blackberries this summer!


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