Delaney is still taking a solid morning nap. I’ve thought a couple of times that she was phasing it out, but then she settled back into it. Although I must say that on school days it does get me a time frame to be very productive, on other days I’d like her to be done with it so we have a lot more flexibility in the mornings. And, during the weekends, the morning nap also leaves us feeling a little isolated at home while Rick, Franny, and Cole run errands, as Delaney is awake long before they all return. Today, the warm sunshine was too welcoming to resist, so Delaney and I decided to go for a walk. Walking with a newly walking, curious toddler is very slow. A few steps…bending over to check out the weed growing out the crack on the curb…a few more steps, stopping to feel the rough texture of the sidewalk…a few more steps…stopping to watch the cars, dogs, or anything that moves…sometimes even turning around to go the other way. For someone who is trying to actually go on a walk, it would have been frustrating and tedious. But, for Delaney, who is just beginning to discover the world, and myself, who loves to watch her, it was such fun!