For the last two weeks, Franny has gone every day to Safety Town Camp. This two week program focuses on a different aspect daily to teach kids safety awareness and preventative procedures. The topics included safety regarding police and pedestrians, bike and car, home fire, strangers, animals, water, and poison, as well as personal safety. They learned really valuable information in ways that kids find fun—songs, puppet shows, art and activities, and uniformed officers. Franny had a great time! She was scared watching some of the movies, but she stuck with it and learned a lot. Her favorite things were the puppet shows and the kit cars they got to drive every day. I am so glad she had this experience! It was serious information, but done in a really positive way that allowed the kids to have fun at the same time. Today was graduation day, and the kids sang the songs they learned and were presented with certificates. It was a big deal for the kids—Franny invited Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie to the mini-ceremony. It was a great way to conclude her two weeks at Safety Town.
Singing songs at graduation
Franny receiving her certificate
Franny and Auntie