Operation Sleep D

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Delaney used to sleep so soundly. But, up just once during the night has evolved into up every two to three hours. It has been going on long enough that we know it is not a temporary phase—it is our norm. One of the reasons for the change is probably due to her irregular nap schedule during the second half of the summer. Her lack of recuperative sleep is most likely manifesting itself with night wakings. So, we have begun to prioritize her sleep schedule, in attempts to try and consolidate her 4 short naps during the day into 2 long naps, as well as extending her durations of night sleep. She’s still little, and needs to get up to eat during the night. This current schedule, however, will be the end of us all if it continues, and isn’t healthy for Delaney, either. We’re two weeks into it, and old habits are definitely hard to break, but I think we’re starting to see some change. Now, she down to three naps and has been up only twice during the last two nights. I am definitely hoping that this a new pattern emerging. We’ll see…

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