I am sure that it isn’t easy for Franny being the eldest of three young kids. Although she is only four years old, sometimes I think we treat her as if she is much older, expecting her to always behave in a model way, help out with her siblings, and always be the one who has to wait. She is growing up so fast and becomes more and more capable every day. Too frequently we get stuck in ‘survival mode’ where we just try to get through the day with everyone happy and stress-free, where I don’t introduce her to as many new things as I could. And, I definitely don’t spend as much one-on-one time with her as I would like. Fortunately, she has a Grandma that can recognize when she needs a little time special for just her. Today, Franny and Grandma made a special snack together for everyone to enjoy. It was very simple—dried fruits and nuts, but set up so she could measure and stir, and have fun doing something different that she could share with everyone. It was obvious she was so pleased with it all. Very simple but very special. It’s so wonderful that she has a Grandma that just knows. There is no question that Thanksgiving is a special day, but for Franny, I think the day after was just as special. Unquestionably, it was full of all the thoughtfulness and spirit the holiday represents.
15 years ago