This year, it was clearly important to Franny to celebrate Mothers Day. She had special things she had made at school that she really wanted to give me, which was very sweet. She has given me little school projects in past years, but it was different for her, this year. In addition to pictures and her card, she was most excited to give me a lollipop pin that she had made. I wore it all day, and she was very pleased that I put it on my jacket when I changed my clothes to go out to dinner.

She also made a Mothers Day book for me titled My Mother. I found her perspectives very interesting--they were all fill-in the blanks, including pictures she drew for each entry:
My mother likes to…do the laundry.
My mother’s favorite sport is…reading.
My mother’s favorite color is…purple.
My mother is…happy.
My mother is good at…reading and cooking.
My mother and I like to…color.
I love it when my mother…plays with me.
My mother’s name is…Trina.
My mother’s favorite food is…macaroni and cheese.
My mother is…three…years old.
She told me when she gave me the book that she knew I wasn’t three years old, but she did know that it had a three in it. I thought it was a very sweet book, and my while I certainly do not like to do the laundry, I most definitely am happy. I have three of the most wonderful and amazing children, and while it is fun to have a day to celebrate motherhood, every day that I get to spend with them is an incredible blessing.