For the last month, Franny and her classmates have been working a Corduroy project. Each day, one of the students gets to take a stuffed Corduroy home, as well as his bag of clothes, books, and a journal. In the journal, each child writes a summary of the time they spent with Corduroy. Franny has been waiting and waiting for her turn. When she came home with Corduroy today, the look on her face and the sound of her voice was pure joy. She changed his clothes and put on his sun hat before taking him outside for the afternoon. In the evening, she sat down to write her journal entry and had such enthusiasm and confidence in what she was doing—it was so great! I thought I would have to help her, but she didn’t want—or need—it. She has come so far with her writing since the beginning of the year! At bedtime, she changed him into his pajamas and tucked him into bed with her. She was so happy—I wish I could just bottle up that face, voice, and happiness and hold on to it forever. There is nothing better. Absolutely nothing.