We eat a very healthy diet, in our house. There are always lots of fruit and vegetables to choose from, and they understand the concepts of the different food groups and why we eat all of them. Not to say they aren’t particular—the only vegetable Cole will eat is asparagus, and he will only eat freeze dried and dried fruit—nothing fresh. And, it’s not unheard of for there to be ‘tears’ when they are told their snack needs to be a fruit and a protein of their choice and not toast or crackers. But, I do believe there is a time and a place for treats. Today, Delaney and I stopped at the coffee shop next to Cole’s school for a snack as we waited for his day to end. She made a bee-line for those glow in the dark, nasty “cheese” and peanut butter crackers that she is denied every Friday after gymnastics. Today, much to her delight, I let her have them. And, I do think it made her day!