What March 22nd looks like

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, March 24, 2012

Thursday morning, we awoke to find a gorgeous blanket of snow out our back window.  

Actually, I already knew it was there--I awoke at 6:10am to the automated phone call from the school district informing us that schools would be closed.  I guess making the decision to close schools the night before allowing everyone to sleep in is somewhat impractical.  But, at least Franny got to sleep in, who really is who needed it the most.  

And, Franny was quite pleased to learn there was no school!  She not only enjoyed an easy morning, but also pancakes and bacon for breakfast, courtesy of her dad, who was working from home.

It's fun to have days like this.  Snow always has such a peaceful feeling to it, and time seems to stand still. It's also a reminder to me to be thankful for the extra day I got to spend with Franny.  School takes her away for such a huge part of every day.  After taking care of homework and dinner, there just isn't much time left to enjoy doing things with her.  We have Teacher Appreciation Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day...I guess snow days are our Kids Day.  Living in Portland, Oregon, however, there just aren't enough of them!


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