Cole may like to color in just one simple color, but his thoughts are anything but simple! With Franny in school everyday, we have been doing a lot of reading together in the morning. He asks a lot of questions about the books he chooses. And, they are really good questions—it is obvious that he is really thinking about all the stories and the pictures. He will take one picture and analyze down to the smallest details, and then create his own mini story to go along with it. And, I can’t give him simple responses to his questions—he takes everything in very seriously. We will spend a lot of time on one part of the book, move on, and then he will want to go back to that same page for further scrutiny. When he first started this, I would get somewhat impatient with all the questions because it seemed we couldn’t get through a book! Fortunately, I quickly realized that it didn’t matter how we read the book, just as long as he enjoyed it and processed it in a way that made sense to him. There are definitely parts of each book that he finds very intriguing and will take up the majority of the time we spend reading, and it is quite intriguing to me, what will capture his attention next!