Rethinking the season

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This year, we started a new tradition of the kids giving gifts to children in need.  I had the kids each ‘adopt an angel’ that was their gender and close to their age, hoping that it would give them more of a connection to what they were doing.  As we got the gifts ready, we had an extended discussion of exactly why we were giving gifts to kids we didn’t know.  At the beginning, it was very clear that they didn’t completely understand that there were kids that didn’t have enough food, clothes, or even a warm home to live in, much less toys to play with.  But, by the end, I think they got it.  We took our gifts and put them under the Angel Tree, and while I’m not sure if they really felt good or proud of their gifts, I was definitely proud of them.  Our own Christmas festivities and traditions are fun and meaningful, and I am so glad we have them.  But, starting this tradition of reaching out to others that aren’t as fortunate as we are, I think is just as important.  I hope Franny, Cole, and Delaney all grow up to be empathetic, giving people who are conscious of making the world better for others, in whatever way they choose.  This year, while their gifts were small, what they did was big, and I hope they do understand that they did make a difference for somebody.  Regardless, it was a good experience and I’m very happy not only that they did it, but that they did it so thoughtfully.




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