The Christmas Tree

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, December 11, 2011

Every night when I say goodnight to Delaney, I ask her What did you like about today?  And, every day she says with the biggest smile Seeing Grandma and Grandpa!  The first day I asked her, she had actually seen them, and I thought how wonderful and sweet that is!  And, it really is.  But, now I think how wonderful it is that her last thoughts before her lights go out are how much she loves her Grandma and Grandpa.  This is true for all the kids--their relationships with their grandparents have been built over years and it shows.  The love and trust they feel is obvious, and they would spend every day with them if they could.  The time they spend together has decreased some, as the kids spend more time in school and schedules are more difficult to coordinate.  But--at least now--you wouldn't know it.  I love that they have these kinds of relationships--they are so special that words just don't adequately describe them.

This week, the kids took their annual trip to get our Christmas tree with their grandparents.  It was cold and I had a hard time finding the kind of tree I wanted.  But, they didn't care--the kids had a great time.  And, it wasn't because they rode in the truck with Dusty (well, maybe a little bit) or ran through the trees, making up their games.  It was because they were with Grandma and Grandpa.  They will forget 99% of this day.  What they will remember is that they were with them and they had fun.  And really, nothing else matters. 


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