Pump It Up

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, May 20, 2012

Every parent who has a five year old has been to Pump It Up more times than they can count.  And, if that five year old is a second child, you almost start to dread opening party invitations.  But, kids never tire of this place, and they love it.  Although Cole initially wanted to have his birthday party at home, with the number of kids he wanted to invite, I encouraged him to choose a destination, and he finally agreed.  And, he was was so excited about his big day--he counted down the days every day for the last week!  It turned out to be a really great party--I wouldn't change a thing, and I'm sure Cole wouldn't either!

The birthday boy 

The one place where crashing is a good thing 

 Finally, a good use for those Melissa and Doug blocks...the brown take
out boxes were the party favors

A great group of kids 

Blowing out the candles


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