Burgeoning emotions

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, July 19, 2009


This week, Delaney ‘woke up’. We haven’t seen one of her long morning naps since Tuesday. This is, of course, a fun and good thing, but it has become the perfect time to introduce the pacifier, since during her waking hours she has a lot to say, and so far most of it has been relatively disgruntled, to put it mildly. I don’t know if it was the heat wave—90+ degree weather is enough to get anyone out of sorts—or, if this is the beginning of new developmental stage for Miss D. The pacifier, thankfully, seems to take the edge off, giving her—and us—some periods of peace. The last couple of days, though, we have begun to hear a more neutral voice, albeit briefly; and, she is beginning to visually explore and tune in to the world around her—she is definitely most comfortable in her bedroom, and James Taylor seems to have a calming influence on her (or maybe it’s just a calming influence on me—time will tell on this one). I have also been lucky enough to see two smiles. We are looking forward to more of those. A little balance is always a good thing!


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