Chaos still reigns

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, August 28, 2009


Delaney has no sleep schedule.  I never know when or how long she is going to sleep.  The only constant is that she seems to fall asleep for the night around 8:30-9 pm and that she wakes up in the morning at 5:30 for a short time and then nods off again until 7:30 am.  Everything in between is very unpredictable.  Sounds harmless, but it does make it difficult to plan out the daily routine.  Reading books before naps/quiet time, fixing meals, trying to find time to exercise, cleaning, finding small, sporadic periods of time to spend with the older kids individually, even eating—all are a challenge.  I am anxious for her to settle into a pattern so we can all feel more settled.  I readily accept that I will have an underlying feeling of fatigue for the foreseeable future, as her nightly 2-3 wakeful periods continue—a state that I know contributes to my frequent frazzled tendencies, which makes everything all that much more difficult to balance.  But, for myself, I would much rather have the daytime schedule than sleep a continuous eight hour stretch.  I can manage sleep deprivation, but routine deprivation is my biggest challenge.  Am I rambling?  Probably so….  But, Miss D did just fall asleep, so now it is time for pilates.  After that, is anyone’s guess.


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