It’s not always easy finding ways to do fun activities with a four-year-old, two-year-old, and seven week old, but we are slowly figuring it out and doing our best. Today, we headed out to the Eastbank Esplanade for a family bike ride. That would be Franny on her bike, Rick pulling Cole, and me pushing Delaney in the stroller. It was slow, but a lot of fun for everyone (Miss D slept through the ride).
It was particularly fun to watch Franny ride her bike. She has had it for a year now, but it has barely made it out of the driveway. She did great, riding up and down small inclines with complete ease and confidence and having a really good time! When we turned around to head back, she wanted to go further, but it was just too late. She is already asking for when we can go again. Hopefully, soon!