I am very fortunate that my kids seem to have fun pretty much wherever they go and whatever they do. For Franny and Cole, even running the aisles at Fry’s Electronics has proven to be a fun excursion. So, if you plan on meeting friends at the Pirate Park and later moving to a neighborhood fountain, for water fun and a picnic lunch, you know it’s going to be a very fun morning. And so it was!
Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures of Cole sticking his head in one of the fountain’s geysers or Franny playing with her friends at one of the button-activated sprayers. These were priceless moments that my camera missed as I took care of Delaney. But, that’s the reality of having three kids and learning to balance. Fortunately, being with friends makes balancing so much easier—VERY special thanks to my dear friend J, who rescued Cole when he fell—picking him up and bringing him to me even though he was soaking wet, while I was feeding Miss D, and to my other dear friend W, who held and calmed Delaney as I tried to snap a few last-minute pictures down at the fountain. Very special friends. I don’t think I was able to finish a conversation with any of them today, but just being with them eases my frazzled tendencies and helps me keep it all in perspective.