It has been nearly four months since we added the upper bunk to to Franny’s bed, and she has not spent the night on the bottom bunk even one night since. Every night she goes to bed with her twins, giraffe blanket, and a book. She reads her book and then falls asleep. She’s incredibly easy in that way. Although she didn’t sleep through the night until she was almost a year old, with very few exceptions, she has been great ever since. We’ve never had any ‘bed battles’ with Franny and she’s never come out of her room for any reason other than to use the bathroom. Once she’s in bed, Franny is set until morning. And, although she really doesn’t wake up with the same ease, I’ll take the easy bedtime any day!
And then, there is Cole. If the ceaseless tapping that was coming from his room is any indication, he spent nearly two hours hammering everything in his room, and spent over an hour ‘fixing’ his bed, until he finally fell asleep on the floor.