This weekend, Franny celebrated her birthday with her friends. It was a repeat of her party last year—held at the Oregon Gymnastic Academy—but where it was different was in the planning. She chose the Ariel theme, the guests, and the venue. This year, however, the party favors were of significant importance to her. She selected the party bags—Ariel purses for girls and Spider Man boxes for boys, and then the different items that were included in each. At the party, she made a point of giving each of her guests her gift to them—this was very important to her. As for the party, she had a great time with her friends and she had another wonderful cake decorated by her Auntie Noelle. Franny has had a big year with some very big adjustments, so I really wanted her party to be special and everything she wanted it to be. I think (I hope!) it was.