Franny’s top bunk is a big deal in our house. Since we set it up, without one exception, she has slept on the top bunk every night that she has slept at home. Cole loves it, as well. He and Franny play on the top bunk almost daily, and he will also go read books there on his own when Franny is at school. I no longer even plan playgroup activities, because the bunk bed becomes the center of activity from nearly start to finish. Surprisingly (and thankfully!), we haven’t had any accidents. And, considering Cole’s propensity for falls, bumps, and bruises, that is really saying a lot. When we first bought the bunk bed, I wasn’t sure if it was really going to be worth it and I was afraid the novelty would wear off quickly and we would be left with just a huge piece of furniture. Needless to say, I no longer have those concerns. Although the kitchen is still the hub of our house, Franny’s bunk bed is definitely right up there!