With Dinosaurs being the theme of this week’s camp, the Reptile Man was a special guest at school, today. He brought over a dozen different reptiles—snakes, tortoises, and even a crocodile—to share with the kids. I expected Cole to be excited by his presentation, so I dropped in to watch it first hand. And, I think he was—he barely moved the whole time, and just sat and stared, as he took it all in. It doesn’t bother me that he didn’t raise his hand to volunteer or let a lizard lick his face. There is definitely something to be said for caution, although I was a little surprised that he didn’t choose to touch the big yellow snake at the end with most of the other kids (Franny did!). While I do anticipate that he will eventually become interested in snakes and frogs and other things that most boys seem to gravitate to, I certainly won’t complain if he sticks to trucks and tractors and other things that don’t have things like venom and fangs!