Cole had his school Harvest Feast on Friday. His classmates and their families all gathered for a really nice Thanksgiving meal--roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and lots of yummy desserts. He was very excited about it all week--even choosing to go over his usual gymnastics class--and he had a really great time. When Franny came home from school, the first thing Cole said to her was, I had my Thanksgiving party, today! I think that he really gets excited about doing some of these things that he has seen Franny do over the years. He seems to really understand that he is getting older and that there are lots of new and fun things waiting for him. His enthusiasm makes it very fun and exciting to do these things with him. And, it makes me thankful that he is such a happy little boy. This age is really fun with Cole--he is sweet, intelligent, good-natured, and has a silly, but hilarious, sense of humor. It's makes me just a little sad that he has to get older, but I can't wait to see how he grows in the years to come.