When both Franny and Cole are in school, Delaney becomes my errand buddy. Usually this means grocery shopping, but could be anything that needs to be done. While it is easier with one child, rather than three, it can still be a tedious process. But, Delaney is a good sport, and although it is never a quick process, we do get a lot done. Today’s agenda was Trader Joes and New Seasons. It took us over two hours, but we tried the samples, checked out the balloons many times, smelled the flowers, Delaney swapped out her kid’s cart for a different one numerous times, and quite intensely examined the colors and textures in the produce section before noshing on a banana as we checked out. While it isn’t the most fun of an activity, and it does take a lot of time—not to mention patience, it is a must-do and I can’t think of a better companion to do it with!