Delaney’s feet are finally almost big enough to fit into Franny’s old rain boots. But, almost has to be big enough, because when the big kids wear their rain boots, Delaney gets very disgruntled when she is forced to wear her plain old sneakers. I didn’t even have the chance to give them to her. I got them out of storage during her nap and left them in the garage. When she got up, she found them (unbelievably quickly, too!) and came running to me, holding them in her hands, and shouting boots, boots, boots! Now, she insists on wearing them everywhere, and I have to constantly remind her to put them back in the garage, or else she would wear them all day, inside and out. I must say, however, that it is fun to see her joy in splashing in every puddle she passes. And, if you are looking at this picture thinking that something isn’t quite as it should be, you are correct. Her boots are on the wrong feet, but she insists on putting them on herself, and I don’t have the heart to squash her independence. They are really such little joys, but they are so important to her. If only all of life could be so simple!