
Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We take the kids a lot of places and do a lot of different things.  They enjoy them all, but Sunriver is a very special place for them.  It was not an intentional effort for us to establish Sunriver as our favorite family get-away, but it has become that.  The kids love it, here.  It is one of the few places they specifically ask to go, and they are always sad when we leave.  It is hard to imagine a summer without spending time in Sunriver; biking, hiking, swimming—everything we love to do as a family is here.  Sometimes I try to think of another destination to replace it, but then I wonder Why? –the kids absolutely love it and they are building incredible memories with our annual vacations we take there.  Of course, we will continue to introduce them to new places, but as long as they love to come, we will make the time to bring them here.  From a general overview, although it is located in a beautiful setting, it is not an exceptional resort by any means.  But, it is their place, and they have strong and wonderful emotions tied to it.  I don’t feel that I’m unimaginative by prioritizing Sunriver as an annual vacation—I feel exceptionally fortunate that it had become what it is…to all of us.




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