We usually visit Sunriver twice every summer. Even before the kids were born, it has been our top choice for a destination. Now, with three young kids, we do different things while we are here--our hikes are shorter and closer to Sunriver, we visit the pool and Fort Rock Park, and we bike to the Village much more frequently. But the experience is still such that we want to return year after year. And, the same is true for the kids--they love it and it has become a special place for them, as well. Due to our irregular summer, we haven't been able to make it to Sunriver until now. We've been here just over two days, and it feels truly wonderful. We've all settled into being here very quickly and are having a great time. It's a great conclusion to summer, as the kids will start school again next week. But, until then we will enjoying our time here and making each day last as long as possible.
15 years ago