Yesterday evening, we returned home after eight wonderful days in Bend and Sunriver, or Sunny Sunriver as the kids love to call it. All three kids had a really fun time, and it was really fun to watch them enjoy themselves so tremendously. For Franny, I think her favorites things were riding her bike and playing with her special friend, Megan. For Cole, I think it was jumping into the Sunriver pool over and over again. And, Delaney just wanted to be where the big kids were. I was a little worried about how the dynamics would be with six kids playing together, especially since Franny and Megan are such good friends. My concerns, however, were unwarranted. All the kids played together really wonderfully, and everyone had a lot of fun. The kids are already talking about our return trip as a family at the end of the summer. Until then, we are just going to enjoy our summer at home. Thankfully, as much as the kids love their vacations, the love being home most of all. And, I think that is a wonderful thing!