There is no question that Delaney is her own person. Even with the two preceding her, she has always been uniquely Delaney, and has done everything they did but in her own way. There is, however, a very strong desire to do everything that Franny and Cole do, go where they go, eat what they eat, and even talk as they do. Her little ‘awesome!’ is very cute, but a total mimic of her older siblings. With all that she does to copy them, it is amazing how she manages to keep her individuality intact. With her personality developing at such a rapid rate, it is going to be interesting to see the little person that emerges, what traits she may share with her siblings, as well as what about her that will make her unique. Raising kids is such an amazing journey—we are so fortunate to have such a wonderful and incredible trio.
Delaney, herself…
…but still the little sister