The wait is over!

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, April 15, 2011

For the last six months, Delaney has watched with intrigue as Cole attended his gymnastics class.  Although she has been fascinated as the activities have played out from her vantage point, she has also been impatient that she hasn’t been able to join in.  It’s an hour long class, so it has been a challenge to keep her settled and occupied.  More often then not, she has been frustrated to the point of tears—and wailing—when she has been restrained from going down the stairs to the gym floor or jumping into the upstairs pit.  But, today was Delaney’s turn—finally!  It was clear that she understood that she would have class today, because she tried to line up with Cole for the big kid warm-up.  She was clearly distressed when I pulled her out that group, but fortunately it lasted only for a short time before her group was called down for their warm-up.  It took her a little time to settle down once she reached that much-anticipated gym floor—she was very excited and wanted to check everything out—but she got her focus pretty quickly and did a great job.  They did two different obstacle courses, balance beams, and at long last—the pit!!! And, the brave girl did jump in from one of the higher platforms!  Right now, gymnastics just fits Delaney and everything she wants to do.  Unfortunately, she didn’t get to try out the bars this week—I got quite the look for this—but hopefully, next week she’ll get a chance.  Toward the end of class, her teacher asked how old she was, and then said Wow…she’s impressive!  From a teacher that coaches hundreds of kids at all levels, I thought this was quite the complement!  I’m just thrilled that she loved her class and will be able to go back next week.  Since she isn’t quite two years old, yet, she had a trial class to make sure that she could follow directions and participate appropriately.  I can’t imagine what it would have been like had she had to return to the viewing area!  Thankfully, that’s not the case, and we have one young gymnast who will probably have sweet dreams tonight of jumping into the pit!




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