When both Franny and Cole turned a year old, we introduced them to our Burley bike trailer. Neither of them liked it at first; this year, Delaney joined them in their consensus. There is nothing that takes the joy out of a bike ride like screaming and crying, and it was very disappointing to have an extremely unhappy Delaney when we attempted our first family bike ride during our last trip to Sunriver. Our last trip, taken with our good friends, involved six kids, and there was a lot of juggling between trailers and bikes. By random luck, Delaney ended up in this Topeak seat that belonged to our friends, and she loved it. Also by random luck, our friends were done with the seat and it quickly became our seat. It has made all the difference for our current vacation. Both kids love being on their bikes and want to go on rides. In this seat, Delaney is completely happy, which allows us to get out and ride the beautiful trails available to us. I am looking forward to many more bike rides to come!
15 years ago
Delaney looks happy to be on the same eye level as mama. Is that Cole in the Burley and is Rick pulling that, too? Looks like a parade! :)