Homework routine

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A change in routine can be a difficult thing to adjust to--especially for young kids.  Last year, Franny had occasional homework, and what homework she had were fun, special projects like a photo collage or an art project.  This year, however, she has a new homework packet every week, as well as a daily reading assignment, and a supplemental math and reading extension.  Besides the reading, she has to do about 45 minutes of homework everyday to have it completed by Friday.  It took some time for her to adjust to doing homework daily and not have it be a struggle.  But now, she does a great job and usually has a very positive attitude to doing what she needs to do.

Cole doesn't have required homework, as his school holds the belief that homework is inappropriate at this age and learning beyond the classroom is best achieved through unstructured activity.  They do, however, provide a weekly writing and phonics assignment that is optional.  Because Cole wasn't writing on his own at the beginning of the year, not only did he do the assignment, but we starting spending 15 minutes or so every day practicing his letters.  And, that 15 minutes was definitely a battle at the beginning.  Now, he works as long as Franny does, and has filled up two spiral notebooks of letters, words, and numbers.  He does an incredible job and he does it without protest.  

It blows me away at the turn-around they have done.  I am so proud of them.

And, Delaney--she asks to do her homework and her letters.  Right now, she is solely concentrating on the letter 'O'.  She cracks me up.  And, she doesn't last 45 minutes, but I do give her credit for trying!

I know that we won't be able to maintain this new routine throughout the summer and next fall will probably be struggle once again.  But, for now, I am definitely enjoying what is currently our normal routine.  Afternoons may not be all fun and games, anymore, but they get the job done.  They are such incredible kids!


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