He's a boy.

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, September 25, 2011

Girls and boys are different.  Without encouragement, Franny has always been drawn to pink and purple, ladybugs and butterflies, princesses, and kittens and puppies.  It's just the way she is, which parallels almost every other little girl I know.  Then there is Cole.  He loves cars and trucks, sticks, digging in the dirt, pirates, dragons, tools, and superheroes.  Which, is just like every little boy I know.  The superheroes attraction I find somewhat curious.  He has never seen a Spiderman or Ironman episode, yet he has gone through phases where they are his prime focus.  And, while preschool and his friends must have some influence, I am still amazed at how much he is drawn to them.  His latest favorite is Batman. (Sweet Cole called him 'Butt Man' for months, before I just couldn't take it anymore and I had to correct him.)  Last week, he even insisted on being called Batman!  His new playmate at school is a little girl named Nikki, and they have their own game they created where he is Batman and she is Bat Lady.  It really cracks me up.  I don't know what the next phase will be for Cole, but I am sure it will be something very boyish that I haven't experienced yet.  Ah, the joy of boys!


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