Late opening

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Once a month, Franny’s school has a two-hour late opening.  It was a nice day, so we decided to have some fun snacks at Starbucks and then walk to school.  Because it is a neighborhood school, there are a lot of kids that walk, so it was fun to be a part the scene.  The first Wednesday of each month is “Waste Less and Walk Wednesday” where kids are encouraged to walk to school and bring a waste-free lunch. It really isn’t possible for us to walk on a regular school day, so we’ve never been able to participate in the walking part, but this was a nice alternative.  Franny had a good time walking, and Delaney did a great job going up what is a fairly long and steep hill.  I think we’re all hoping we get to do it again next month!


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