Halloween with friends

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, October 31, 2011 0 comments

In past years, we have always chosen to spend Halloween alone and do our own thing.  But, this year the kids trick-or-treated with many of the neighborhood kids from the bus stop.   There was about twelve kids in all, and Franny, Cole, and Delaney had the greatest time!  Franny, of course, enjoyed it as these are kids she sees every day.  But, Cole and Delaney also also had an incredible time literally running from house to house and keeping up with the big kids.  They stayed out way too late and got way too much candy, but it was definitely worth it for the experience they had.  These are really nice kids and it was fun to see them together as well as spending time with our neighbors.  This Halloween, it was very clear how much Franny and Cole (and Dealney too!) love to be with their friends, whether it be at their school parties or for trick-or-treating.  It was a shift in how we have approached Halloween in the past, but it was time for change, and it was definitely one that everyone enjoyed.

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The neighborhood kids

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Cole and his friends at his school Halloween party

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Franny and her best friend at her school Harvest Festival


Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Halloween was a busy day--Delaney had her music class, Cole had his school party, and I volunteered in Franny's classroom, as well.  But, by afternoon we had a few hours of down time before the festivities started down at the the neighborhood village center, so I was able to make a spooky Halloween dinner before it was time for the kids to head out.  I've made the sausage mummies before, but I really wanted to make these super cute epper pumpkins stuffed with quinoa and black beans.  Of course Cole wouldn't touch them, but Franny and Delaney both ate theirs!  In past years, I've always run out of time to make a fun Halloween dinner, so I was very happy that it worked out this year.  And, the kids loved it which made it all worth while!


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Howloween at the Zoo

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, October 30, 2011 0 comments

Yesterday, the Rick took the kids to the Zoo's Trick or Treat scavenger Hunt.  They had a great time figuring out the clues, collecting their stamps, and doing activities at each of the destinations.  After completing the hunt, they each got a special treat bag.  I appreciated that they had different treat bags for different ages and that they weren't filled with the regular candy--rather, they had mini Larabars, fruit leather, mini Enviro Kids crispy rice bars, and organic juice.  And, the kids loved them all the same! It was new activity for the kids, but I am certain they will want to do it again next year!

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Posted by Trina Rae Friday, October 28, 2011 0 comments

A lot can be said for the isolating effect of computers and technology, but technology at it's best is when it actually enhances our personal relationships rather than diminishing it.   I love that the kids can keep up to date with their California cousins by looking at pictures and videos on their Auntie Cherl's blog.  Without it, they would seem so much more distant and Franny especially has a strong bond with them.  Maybe that is because she is older or because she was blessed to spend more time with them when they were still Portland cousins.  But, through these simple blog entries, not only Franny, but Cole and Delaney can see and connect with them as well.  I love it!


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Delaney the Explorer

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Fridays is a quiet morning for Delaney--one of the few that we don't have anything we have to do.  It also is a morning that Delaney doesn't have Cole or Franny to play with.  I like this time, as it is time that we have together at home.  But, it is also interesting to see the games she makes up on her own when she doesn't have Cole or Franny to play with.  This morning, she walked around the house with Cole's magnifying glass and announced to me I am looking for clues, Mama! I'm not sure what was more hilarious to me--the random things that she found that she classified as 'clues' or the fact that it was the first time the magnifying glass was actually used for it's intended purpose.  It's been a tennis racket, a hammer, even a microphone--but, never a magnifying glass.  Leave it to Delaney!


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Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, October 27, 2011 0 comments

This afternoon, Auntie Noelle came to visit and brought with her everything needed to make the yummiest Halloween cookies.  During the holidays, they do this several times and the kids love it! Auntie has it down, balancing just the right amount of prep work and decorating time so it doesn't' take too much time and the kids keep their interest before they whisk her away to do another activity.  As the kids get older, Auntie's weekly visits just never seem long enough.  They all want her attention to show her things, do different things, an just be with her.   But even though there will never be enough hours in her day with us, she always leaves them with the feeling that they are special and loved.  And, I think they leave her with the same feeling.

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The cookies...

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And, Delaney's curious creations...

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Hoopin' it up

Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Today, Cole and Delaney went to their friend G's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.   It always amazes me how much kids--including Cole and Delaney!!!--love this place.   Fortunately, the party wasn't during a busy time, so it was wide open and the kids were easy to keep track of.  For most of the time, Cole and Delaney stuck together and went from one game to another.  They enjoyed all the games, but they spent a lot of their tokens on this basketball game.  They were actually pretty good...

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Although they did miss a few rebounds...
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Last lap

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, October 26, 2011 0 comments

Today was Franny's final day of Running Club.  The team finished their year with a 2-mile trail run on the Wildwood Trail.  It was a bit of a rough season for Franny--she injured her hip when she fell off her bike and was out for just over two weeks of the season.  Fortunately, she was able to return for this final week.  It was a great experience for her--she had a great coach who was really impressed with her and told me more than once that as a runner, Franny is a 'natural.'  I was glad she was able to end the season participating and on a good note.  She really enjoyed it, but more so in the beginning weeks when she was strong and healthy.  I hope that is what she remembers when she looks back at this season, because those days when I was able to come and watch her she flew around the track with a big smile on her face.   And, that is what I will remember.


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ABCs according to Cole

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, October 24, 2011 0 comments

At the beginning of September, Cole began the Pre-Kindergarten program at his school.  According to his teachers, he is a bright student, an attentive listener, an enthusiastic participant in all the activities, and well liked by the other kids.  All these things have been wonderful to hear--I am thrilled that he has adjusted to a longer school week, as well as the more academic focus that this class has.  However, I was definitely concerned that Cole hasn't shown any progression in writing and really didn't have any interest in writing.  At home, we spend a lot time drawing and coloring pictures, and I thought that he would just naturally progress into writing, as Franny did.  Knowing the curriculum and expectations that Franny's school has for kindergartners, as summer came to an end and he wasn't doing any writing, my concern elevated.  So, I spoke with his teacher and she suggested doing some writing homework every week.  We immediately started doing nightly homework--just 15 minutes with Fridays and Saturdays off--practicing the letters that corresponded with their in-class phonics lesson. HIs improvement was rapid.  HIs lines have become very deliberate and much smoother.  When we turned in his B homework to the teacher the second week she was stunned and even asked me if he had done it himself.  I assured her that he definitely did!  I am so impressed with him.  He has very good work ethic and takes great pride in his printing.  While he practices he will say things to himself like Start at the top and go to the bottom and curve at the middle line and all the way down to the bottom line, as well as I want to do a good job and Can we show this to Mrs. P? He has really blown me away--I am so proud of him!  I don't know if he just needed a little encouragement or if he just realized it was time to do it, but he is definitely doing it!


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Homework--Day 1

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Homework--weeks 2-5

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Turning pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, October 23, 2011 0 comments

Although we have always taken the kids to pick out pumpkins, we have never actually carved them into jack-o-lanterns.  Franny and Cole were very excited, and designed their own pumpkins. Cole (of course) wanted a batman theme, while Franny created her own face, complete with eyelashes, ears, and hearts for cheeks.  They were not, however, so fond on cleaning out the pumpkins.  Fortunately, Rick was a good sport and cleaned them all out and then carved them, as well.  I think they turned out very nice!

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Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, October 22, 2011 0 comments

Delaney is so proud of her Halloween costume!  I really thought she would wear one of Franny or Cole's old costumes—either giraffe, elephant, or the kangaroo.  She tried all of them on and size-wise could have worn any of them.  But they just didn't fit little Delaney's personality and didn't look right.  Finally, (with some influence from Franny), Delaney decide that she wanted to be Tinkerbell.  While the kids were at school we went and bought her costume—she picked out her dress, wings, and the cutest little light up shoes with pom-poms on the toes.  Once she had them in the hands, it was obvious that there was no way she would willingly leave the store without them.  She put it on as soon as we got home and she loves it!  Although buying a new costume didn’t save us any money, I know we will get our money’s worth with this one.   And, there certainly isn’t another costume that would suit little Delaney as well as Tinkerbell. 



No, they're not dressed up for Halloween...

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, October 20, 2011 0 comments

Today the kids donned their favorite royal costume garb for Prince and Princess Day at the dentist!  It was fun to see them all get into it, but Franny was definitely the most excited about today and the opportunity to dress up as her favorite princess.  She even had trouble falling asleep last night because of her anticipation!  But, I definitely need to credit Cole on his creative prince attire.  We have no shortage of princess dresses, tiaras, shoes, and wands, but really nothing that would be considered prince-like.  He came up with his cape, boots, and silver top hat--an ensemble that definitely impressed the dentist and her staff.   It was a fun twist on the typical dentist visit--and most importantly, they all came out with sparkling clean teeth (even Delaney sat still for them to clean her teeth!) and no cavities!

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Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, October 19, 2011 0 comments

This month, Franny and her class started having weekly and monthly homework assignments.  They have a weekly reading log, and are expected to read at least 20 minutes every day.  Fortunately, Franny already exceeds this on a daily basis, so it's just a matter of recording it in her log.  They also have a math worksheet and game, as well as a handwriting and phonics worksheet.  But, the fun part of their homework comes in their monthly activity calendar.  They get to choose two activities to complete each week and then write in a response journal about their experience.  They are simple, fun activities--some are math based, others involve writing and other school subjects, and some are just fun--like carving a jack-o-lantern!  Franny is already really enjoying it.  Today, her activity read Look up pumpkin in a recipe book.  How many recipes did you find?  Try one. Franny chose to make pumpkin bread.  Not only did she complete her activity, but we had a great time baking together and ended up with a great dessert, too!

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A few more random beach pictures...

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, October 16, 2011 0 comments

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Flying kites

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, October 15, 2011 0 comments

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Posted by Trina Rae Friday, October 14, 2011 0 comments

Today, we headed to the coast for a weekend trip to Gearhart.  The weather was so warm and beautiful that the kids immediately shed their shoes to run along the beach.  We returned after dinner to witness a beautiful red sunset and drive along the beach.  It was a wonderful day to spend at the Oregon coast!

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