This month, Franny and her class started having weekly and monthly homework assignments. They have a weekly reading log, and are expected to read at least 20 minutes every day. Fortunately, Franny already exceeds this on a daily basis, so it's just a matter of recording it in her log. They also have a math worksheet and game, as well as a handwriting and phonics worksheet. But, the fun part of their homework comes in their monthly activity calendar. They get to choose two activities to complete each week and then write in a response journal about their experience. They are simple, fun activities--some are math based, others involve writing and other school subjects, and some are just fun--like carving a jack-o-lantern! Franny is already really enjoying it. Today, her activity read Look up pumpkin in a recipe book. How many recipes did you find? Try one. Franny chose to make pumpkin bread. Not only did she complete her activity, but we had a great time baking together and ended up with a great dessert, too!
15 years ago