Big strides

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cole.  It is a short name but it deserves big recognition.  Two months ago, Cole wasn't writing letters, wasn't drawing figures or pictures, and certainly wasn't writing his name.  Yesterday, he was practicing his g's and G's when I went upstairs to put some things away.  When I came downstairs, he had a big smile on his face and he said Look what I did!  He had written his name and with very nice handwriting, too!  I know that a lot of kids write their name, words, and sentences.  But, Cole just recently started writing, so this is a big deal.  This morning, the kids made birthday cards for a friend, and Cole insisted on making his own--something he wasn't very interested in before.  He drew a pirate ship and signed his name.  Beautiful.  It's funny--I always worry so much about Cole, but he always ends up setting me straight. His teacher came up to me yesterday and told me how impressed she was with his lower case letter recognition.  That didn't really surprise me--he has know his letters for a long time, he just wasn't interested in writing them!  But, it was nice to hear from a long-time pre-K teacher.  He's a very smart little guy, who is building on his confidence every day.  We are going to see big things from Cole, of that I am very certain.  We just have to wait unit he is ready.


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