This week, Cole and his classmates celebrated Thanksgiving with a Harvest Feast. As we proceed through some of these annual events with Cole (this is his second, in addition to the three we attended with Franny) I try to give it the same enthusiasm as we did the first time we attended, even when my first impulse is less so. I’ve always liked the Harvest Feast and last year Cole was very excited about it, so this year I signed up to bring turkey; and, to make a big deal of it for Cole, I roasted a turkey as if it was Thanksgiving Day (minus the stuffing). I think Cole was pleased I made the turkey, although he never saw the pre-carved turkey, but that was as far as his enthusiasm went. I know that he liked that we came and he had a good time eating his feast with us and his good friend Nikki. But, there just wasn’t a festive feel to the party. Maybe it was the low parent turn-out, and even a number of kids seemed to be absent, as well. Maybe it was my turkey that took up to the last minute (not the way I like to do things). And, maybe it was because it was an extremely busy day for us, with a number of other commitments and activities. Whatever it was, I was initially disappointed. But, when our busy day was done, I sat down and tried to pull some meaning—and perspective—out of the day. I am sincerely thankful every day for so many things. This day was for Cole—I am thankful that we are able to send him to this school where he is happy and thriving, having wonderful experiences and making amazing strides academically. He is truly an extraordinary little boy, and I am blessed to be able to call him my son.
Cole goofing around with his friend