Mornings at our house

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, January 30, 2012 0 comments

As Cole and Delaney will tell you, sometimes Mondays just have to start off slowly.  Ironically, these two couch potatoes were the first two up this morning. 

Cole and Delaney are nearly always up within two minutes of each other.  I don't know if one of them is waiting for the other to be the first up, or if they just wake each other up.  Every morning Cole bellows Is it morning? when he wakes up and Delaney yells Moooooom!  Moooom!  (She used to yell Mama, now it's just Mom.) And, both of them will continue to yell until we come and get them, wrap them up in their blankets, and take them downstairs to the couch.  

Eventually, Franny will wake up (or be woken up) and join them.  You would think our couch would comfortably sit more than three kids, but we have yet to figure that one out in such a way that makes everyone happy.  Yet, without exception, the couch is our morning hub, so we do get a new chance every day to achieve the impossible.

Maybe tomorrow is our day.

Where did the weekend go?

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, January 29, 2012 0 comments

Last week was busy.  We sat down together as a family for dinner only twice--different activities had us fragmented and on the go for most of the week.  And, while it was good things that kept us busy--kindergarten round-up and the new math workshop for parents, as well as my yoga night, it was nice to have a relaxed weekend together, with only Cole having a birthday party to go to.  The kids seem to really like it when we have these down weekends.  

The main activities for the weekend were building forts, having tea parties, and watching Scooby Doo Goes To Hawaii.  Twice.  There was a lot of dress-up, Cars 2 reenactments, and a beautiful, sunny Saturday allowed the kids to play outside and ride bikes.  Pathetic programming standards aside, it was a good weekend for everyone.  Although I must say they did love their Scooby Doo movie.  And, I don't ever remember Franny laughing so hard as when she watched Scooby Doo do the hula.   

As much as I hate to say it, Franny laughing in hysterics over Scooby Doo was, hands-down, the highlight of my weekend.  I could listen to her laugh all day long.  And, if it takes ridiculous Scooby Doo movies to do it...well...I guess I can accept that.  

Scooby snack, anyone?

Franny helping Rick fix a trunk leak

The making of a Cole

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, January 27, 2012 0 comments

I know the kids love to paint.   But, it is one of the few activities that I just don't encourage at home.  Rationally, I do understand that paint is 99.9% washable and cleanable.  But, I can't get over feeling that I am watching a train wreck about to happen.  The globs of paint, the water, the mixing, the application of paint to the point that the paper is saturated where if it was allowed to dry it would become permanently adhered to the kitchen counter.  It makes my heart rate go up just thinking about it.

I've tried to get over it, because they love it.  I probably allowed them to paint 4-5 times last year (at home).  That's probably a 100% increase from the year before.  This year, however, I hope to do better.  I hope meaning that I will try.  But, my heart rate is going up as I am typing this.

Yesterday, Cole's school sent home their curriculum checklist/evaluation.  They wrote Cole really enjoys painting as an art activity, though he does end up with some everywhere.  


Fortunately, the alternative and solution is the wonderful My Masterpiece Studio.  They provide an incredible selection of art materials, and they deal with all the mess.  It was our week to pick a place for playgroup, so I picked this place just for Cole.  He loved it.  And, my heart rate remained steady.  His art is definitely his own.  He doesn't paint pictures, but he does put a lot of passion in his painting, and it's fun to watch him in action.

He did come home with paint on his shirt, pants, as well as in his hair.  But, that I can deal with.

I don't know if this really counts as a try, but it sure was a good time.  And, I do love what he created.


Posted by Trina Rae 0 comments

Joy and pain.  Fire and ice.  Laughter and tears.  Franny and Delaney.  Sisterhood can be so complex.  I never thought that sisters age 6 and 2 could have such a dynamic relationship.  Franny and Cole have always been much more consistent--they've had their moments, but for the most part have just gotten along and had a good time.  Maybe Franny and Delaney are too much alike; maybe Franny's instinct to nurture is at odds with Delaney's desire to be independent; or maybe there is just an inherent tension between sisters.  

Or maybe they're just crazy.

Regardless, it's fascinating to watch the different relationships emerge between the three kids.  They are all so different.  Franny and Delaney already fight like teenagers.  I can't even begin to imagine what we are in store for when they actually become teenagers!  [shudder]  But, they do love each other just as intensely.  They love to chant S-O Sisters!  I don't know what this means.  They don't know what this means (I've asked).  but, Franny made it up, so now it is their mantra.

Did I mention the possibility that they are crazy?

I suppose that is really terrible for me to suggest.  Too often crazy is the default for different or passionate or anything else that we don't try hard enough to understand. Or, that which we can't accept that we will never understand. Franny and Delaney's relationship is their's alone to define.  I can't wait to see what they make of it.

I just hope it doesn't require a peace treaty in the process.

Delaney Reese

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, January 26, 2012 0 comments

When I took this picture it was meant to be of Delaney and Cole together.  They had been playing all morning, and I was thinking about writing about how sweet they are together when it is just the two of them; how they laugh and talk and carry on serious and silly conversations; how they are totally inseparable when they are together; and, how they make my heart absolutely melt.

Undoubtedly, this post will come in the future.  Stay tuned.

But, when I took a look at my pictures, I had to crop this picture and make it just Delaney.  I don't know if it's her haircut that is making her look so old and sophisticated, but she just looked so poised that I couldn't take my eyes off of her.  Maybe it's just me.  

These are the pictures that I love.  The unintentional, the ones that just capture one moment that I might have not even known was there.  Or, the ones that just seem to capture the kids in such a way that just says That is them.  

This is Delaney.  Yes, she is 2 and a half going on at least 5.  She is independent to the extreme.  She is amazingly smart and articulate.  And, she has started calling me 'Mom'.  How is that possible?  But really, she is only two and a half.  And I have two more years with her before I lose mornings like this one.  Whoever coined the phrase Time flies really created the greatest understatement of all time. we go!

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, January 25, 2012 0 comments

Today, Cole had his Kindergarten Round-up.  While I filled out all his registration paperwork, Cole spent some time in one of the kindergarten classrooms.  They had some activities, drew a picture, and had a snack.  Sometimes it is very hard to tell how Cole feels about things--he is more introverted and quiet than Franny.  It is easy to mistake his calm disposition for indifference, when that really could be the furthest from the truth.   That's how it was today--very calm and quiet from beginning to end.   My first hint that he was very pleased about it, was when he actually let me take pictures of him at the school.  Most of the time I get a grimace along with Can I be done already!?!  And then, when I asked him about it after he went to bed he got a very big smile on his face.  Not just a happy smile, but a proud and excited smile.  I am very excited for Cole to make this transition--I know he is going to do great and really come out on his own.  In the meantime, however, I'm going to enjoy every minute I have with this wonderful little boy!

An evening out (and in!)

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, January 23, 2012 0 comments

Yesterday, Rick took the kids for evening out at Out of This World Pizza.  And, did they ever have fun!  Although I wasn't there to see it first hand--I was enjoying my own evening in--their flushed and tired faces when they came home were testament to the time they had!  I always have mixed feelings when I am left behind to have some time to myself, but I also know that Daddy time is important and I am a better mom after having some time to decompress.  It was a great conclusion to a fun-filled weekend.  I guarantee no one even had a fleeting thought about Monday until they woke up this morning!  And, that is the way it should be.

Hitting the slopes

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, January 21, 2012 0 comments

After much anticipation, the kids headed back to Mt. Hood to resume their ski lessons.  Both Franny and Cole had great experiences, despite extremely windy and snowy conditions.  Cole spent his day working on basic skills, in addition to a few runs on the rope tow; after a brief refresher, Franny spent the day doing runs off the chair lift.  And, this year Delaney had her own skis, as well!  Unfortunately, due to the weather, she didn't spend much time using them.  She scooted around for a bit, but I think the wind and snow took a lot of the joy out of it for her.  Not to mention that she was quite disgruntled that she didn't have ski goggles like Franny and Cole, although we did rent her a helmet that she was quite proud of.   But, despite the weather, it was still a great day.  Both kids came off the snow smiling and looking forward to the next time.  Hopefully that next time will be soon!

Delaney the puzzler

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, January 20, 2012 0 comments

I love doing jigsaw puzzles, so I don't doubt that this has influenced the kids.  Both Franny and Delaney love to do puzzles.  Cole has done his fair share, but it has never been his first choice for an activity.  This horse puzzle is Delaney's absolute favorite.  I bet she has put it together close to 100 times.  It's not extremely difficult, but it is fairly large with a lot of different things to sort out.  With 36 pieces, it's definitely a step above the puzzles that are made for kids Delaney's age.  I used to make little piles of each horse section for her, but now I don't have to do that--she does it on her own.  It's fascinates me how quickly Delaney learns new things, especially ahead of the timeline that Franny and Cole learned similar things.  I know part of it is that she has two older siblings, but I think there is part of it that is just Delaney.    She is extremely observant, adaptive, and quick to learn.  I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for her--or rather, what she has in store for it!

Try, try again

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, January 19, 2012 0 comments

Today Delaney and Cole joined their playgroup friends for a morning ice skating.  I knew this would be a challenge, as Delaney has never skated and Cole skated once over a year ago.  But, sometimes it is good to stretch beyond our comfort zone and just go for it.  Thankfully, one of the playgroup moms helped a lot trying to teach Cole some basics as I held on to Delaney.  Cole was amazing!  He tried his very best, and never gave up.  He must of fallen over 50 times, but each time he got up and started skating again.  He never complained and insisted on trying on his own without help.  I was very proud of him.  We made it around the rink two times--this took just over an hour--although the second time around was much quicker than the first.  Delaney, however, wasn't as adventurous and was ready to be done early on.  In the end, I was so glad we went.  Cole impresses me every day on so many levels, but I think today Cole impressed himself.  And, that makes me very happy.   Needless to say, there are no action shots of today's adventure, as I was holding onto Delaney with two hands the entire time, but I did get this one picture before we headed out onto the ice.

It came!

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, January 17, 2012 0 comments

The snow finally came, much to the delight of the kids.  Although there was a two hour delay announced for Franny at 5:30 am, we continued to watch the snow fall, waiting  so very patiently until they announced her school’s closure at 8:30.  After that, we immediately put on our warmest and went outside for what they dubbed our ‘snow party’ of making a snowman and snow angels.  And, unlike most snow days in Portland, it is still snowing!


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Let it SNOW!

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, January 16, 2012 0 comments

After two days of snow that have only amounted to a very thin layer, these three kids are ready for some snow!

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Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, January 14, 2012 0 comments

While I enjoyed some 'Mom time', Rick took the kids to the Children's Museum.  Currently, the featured  exhibit is the Lego Castle Adventure.  This is the third time Cole has come to this particular exhibit, but it never gets old.  Right now, Cole has two passions--playing with cars and Legos.  So for Cole, it doesn't get any better that the museum's endless supply of Legos to build and create with.   I love the possibilities that Legos give kids--there is no right or wrong, but just an open palette on which to bring their imaginations to life. And, Cole has some very imaginative creations--from dump trucks with three steering wheels to a map of our front yard and driveway.  I love it!   The best part is that he is always extremely proud of what he builds, and the detailed explanations he presents to us are quite amazing.   I'd love to preserve them all, but then there would be no Legos left to build with.  Or maybe, we just need more Legos!

Sweet Delaney

Posted by Trina Rae Friday, January 13, 2012 0 comments

Miss Delaney Reese has been with us just 2 and a half years, but it seems like so much longer.  She is an amazing mix of kind-heartedness, fierce independence, and has a sense of humor (intended or not, I'm not sure) that makes me laugh every day.  I love this little girl!

Franny…6 years and 9 months

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, January 11, 2012 0 comments


Family portrait

Posted by Trina Rae Saturday, January 7, 2012 0 comments

Franny's class is doing a segment on families.  Just before the winter break, she made a poster with pictures and captions about the members of her family and then made a two minute presentation to the class.  We were invited to come and watch--Franny spoke so softly that no one could hear her,  but I was very proud she had the courage to get up and speak when she was so terribly nervous!  

This family portrait was on the wall when I went to volunteer this week.  I can only assume that the flowers in everyone's hair was inspired by our newest family member--her doll Kanani, who is from Hawaii.  I love it.

Looking back

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, January 4, 2012 0 comments

December was a challenging month for blogging.  I had a dysfunctional camera (the worst), life was just super busy, and it was about then that my blogging burnout started to set in.  Amidst all of that we had some fun things that were missed in the Trio blog.

Possibly the biggest things missed were the holiday projects that Auntie Noelle brought with her on her weekly visits.  One week the kids made gingerbread men, another week was bird seed treats, and the last week was Christmas cookies.  The kids love these projects (although they love eating frosting a little too much) and Auntie Noelle does it just right--bringing dough already made for the gingerbread men and Christmas cookies pre-made and ready to be decorated--so that the kids can get the most out of it without taking the whole day and losing interest half way through.  I wish someone would come with my meals prepped or my projects half done--just think of all I could get done then! 

But really, these are such special memories for the kids.  Eating frosting, baking cookies, hanging out treats for the birds and watching them devour them--I have a flock of juncos that have a new best friend in Auntie Noelle and who have been giving me the evil eye since the last one was eaten--these are the kinds of things that bring life to and spirit to the holidays.  So much love and fun and laughter...we are so blessed!

Boy time

Posted by Trina Rae Sunday, January 1, 2012 0 comments

Today, all the kids enjoyed a little one-on-one Daddy Time.  Cole loves these times, and today they spent it up in Cole's room playing.  First they played with Batman figures, and then they built with Legos.  Cole must of been especially proud of his creation, because he actually requested a picture!  When I asked him what they made, he launched right in with Well, first we started with this...then we did this... ALL of this was MY idea--this and this and this...!  Cole is lucky he has a dad that will get down on the floor and not only play, but actually play according to Cole's lead and imagination.  It's probably one of the reasons Cole adores him so--why all the kids do.  Today, I was able to get a couple of pictures of the two, before I was again banished from the room so they could have their time.  No girls allowed, you know.  It's boy time and it's not to be messed with.  Mom was told in no uncertain terms to take that camera and go.