Looking back

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, January 4, 2012

December was a challenging month for blogging.  I had a dysfunctional camera (the worst), life was just super busy, and it was about then that my blogging burnout started to set in.  Amidst all of that we had some fun things that were missed in the Trio blog.

Possibly the biggest things missed were the holiday projects that Auntie Noelle brought with her on her weekly visits.  One week the kids made gingerbread men, another week was bird seed treats, and the last week was Christmas cookies.  The kids love these projects (although they love eating frosting a little too much) and Auntie Noelle does it just right--bringing dough already made for the gingerbread men and Christmas cookies pre-made and ready to be decorated--so that the kids can get the most out of it without taking the whole day and losing interest half way through.  I wish someone would come with my meals prepped or my projects half done--just think of all I could get done then! 

But really, these are such special memories for the kids.  Eating frosting, baking cookies, hanging out treats for the birds and watching them devour them--I have a flock of juncos that have a new best friend in Auntie Noelle and who have been giving me the evil eye since the last one was eaten--these are the kinds of things that bring life to and spirit to the holidays.  So much love and fun and laughter...we are so blessed!


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