Mornings at our house

Posted by Trina Rae Monday, January 30, 2012

As Cole and Delaney will tell you, sometimes Mondays just have to start off slowly.  Ironically, these two couch potatoes were the first two up this morning. 

Cole and Delaney are nearly always up within two minutes of each other.  I don't know if one of them is waiting for the other to be the first up, or if they just wake each other up.  Every morning Cole bellows Is it morning? when he wakes up and Delaney yells Moooooom!  Moooom!  (She used to yell Mama, now it's just Mom.) And, both of them will continue to yell until we come and get them, wrap them up in their blankets, and take them downstairs to the couch.  

Eventually, Franny will wake up (or be woken up) and join them.  You would think our couch would comfortably sit more than three kids, but we have yet to figure that one out in such a way that makes everyone happy.  Yet, without exception, the couch is our morning hub, so we do get a new chance every day to achieve the impossible.

Maybe tomorrow is our day.


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