It’s been most recently that I’ve noticed Cole really trying to come into his own. He loves Franny and all of her things, but he has his own interests and things he likes to do. At the same time, however, there are a number of things that Franny gets to do, mainly through school, where he is welcome to tag-along, but it is really all about Franny. Her Valentines party yesterday was one of those—he went and had lunch, but it was her party and she came home with the Valentines. She did share them with him, which was very sweet of her, but it really isn’t the same. When it came to today’s playgroup party, I tried to get him more involved in getting things ready, but afternoon activities are hard for Cole because he just gets so tired. I also think that even though playgroup really is for both of them, he thinks it is another of Franny’s things because they do it together. At the party, he didn’t even look at his bag of cards and treats, even though they were his and Franny was very excited about hers; part of this was his being tired—he was very excited about hosting playgroup and he played hard—but I don’t think that was all of it. I don’t want to over analyze the mind of the second-born child, but I do know Cole and I think he is struggling to find his place in things. Fortunately, Valentines cards arrived today in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa. This he knew was for him and he enjoyed opening and looking at it. He had also taken a nap, so he was much more settled and able to focus on it. I love to see his face light up, and I was very happy to end the day this way.