Franny’s homework adventures have now continued from the letter A to S. After making it through the dreaded I, J, and Q weeks (although we still have X to go) the letter S was a welcome change, with lots of pictures available in any given magazine. At the letter L point, her homework was discontinued, but within a week it was quickly brought back due to a large amount of parental protest. Franny really enjoys doing it—cutting out pictures, using glue, printing letters—for a four year old, what’s not to like? And surprisingly, she also enjoys sharing it with the rest of the class, and S was especially fun for her with her pictures including Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. She does a very good job; with the more difficult letters like S, she has to practice a lot before she does her homework. Some letters are definitely harder than others—S was easy to find pictures but was definitely the most difficult for her to print, especially using the ledger lines. After working so hard, it’s fun to see her pride and enthusiasm as she takes her assignment to class and puts it in the homework box. We are definitely proud of her, too!
15 years ago