Today was Franny’s school Valentines party. She was very excited about the party—she wrote out her name on all her Valentines (all 25!), stuffed her gift bags, tied them up, and put stickers on the outside of each. She also made little cards for her teachers and the school director in the shape of a butterfly, frog, and a monkey. Although she was rather indifferent about being the one to give them to her teachers, she did want to personally deliver her gift to Amanda, the school director. This is really a big deal for Franny, who is very shy with her teachers, although they do say her communication with them is improving. With Amanda, she probably didn’t actually get out the words she probably wanted to say, she did hand it to her herself, with a very sweet smile, and nodded when Amanda asked her if she made it herself. Most importantly, it was her that initiated the exchange—we usually just leave it in her office. It was a big step for Franny; shyness is a difficult burden to bear, but she is tackling it in her own way in her own time. I am so proud of her!