Getting in shape

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We are a family of outdoor lovers, and will always opt for an outside excursion if given the opportunity. We are just beginning to embark on days that enable us to spend time in the wonderful fresh air.  An enjoyable outing, however, is inevitably dependent on the youngest member of the family.  If Delaney is unhappy and doesn’t want to ride in the stroller, she can definitely put a dark cloud in an otherwise clear blue sky.  So, while the beautiful days are still sporadic, my goal is to get her in “stroller shape” for later days.  She has just recently begun to ride in the stroller, so I have started with small outings and will gradually work up to longer ones to acclimate her to her new mode of transportation.  So far, she is doing very well.  Our walk today lasted about a half an hour and I am sure she could have gone longer.  She enjoyed the ride—chattering, looking around, and giggling at Franny and Cole.  Of course, there are countless other variables that could sour her sweet demeanor, and I do accept that many of these are beyond my control.  But, if her limited experience is any indication, I am confident that Delaney is going to love being outside as much as her siblings.


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