Delaney at 5 and a half months

Posted by Trina Rae Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today, Delaney went in for a weight check, and although it was two weeks early, since everything looked good, her doctor proceeded with her 6 month well baby check. In the process, we got the go-ahead for rice cereal and drinking water from a sippy cup. Sounds small, but these are huge changes for little Delaney! We probably won’t start the cereal until next week, but we gave her a little water today in a cup—she drank some with no problem, except she really wasn’t too impressed. We’ll have to put a little milk in it for her, next time…

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As for her official stats, her weight is 12 lbs, 4.1 oz (3rd percentile), and her length is 66 cm (75th percentile). She is long and lean! Although she is slightly longer than Franny was at this age, she is nearly three pounds lighter, which explains why all those pants aren’t fitting very well! But most importantly, she is a very healthy and very happy little baby. Compared to the early months, this age is extremely fun: she laughs and coos, will reach for you and give you a hug, and prefers to be on her stomach to play more and more. She is her own little person—she is a little like Franny and a little like Cole, but mostly she is just Delaney. We adore her!

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1 Responses to Delaney at 5 and a half months

  1. cherl Says:
  2. Love the new blog! Can't wait to see you all soon!!


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