The new Trio

Posted by Trina Rae Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome to the new Trio! I don’t remember where I acquired my last blog template, but it was laden with different bugs and irritating quirks that made it very difficult to work with. Through many blog tutorials, comparisons of different templates’ code, and web searches to fix different problems, I was finally able to remedy many of the issues within it. In the process, I learned to read, edit, and even write new HTML code. It was a very tedious experience, and by the time I was done, I had completely lost my enthusiasm for my template. So I decided to take my newfound knowledge and customize a new blog to include all the things I wanted it to. The result is the new Trio. I hope you enjoy it! Of course, a new blog format doesn’t mean that it’s any easier to take good pictures…I’ll have to keep working on that one.

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