A three craft day

Posted by Trina Rae Thursday, December 17, 2009

Franny loves to do craft projects.  Today, we hosted playgroup and she was very excited about the little craft project we planned:  Christmas trees with tube trunks filled with candy.  They turned out to be a little more involved than I had thought, but she still enjoyed the project.



After their quiet time, Franny asked Can we do another craft?  So, we used some of the left over supplies to make some very simple Christmas trees.  Franny and Cole both loved it—markers, glue, glitter is all it takes to get these two excited.  They worked on their trees for a long time; Franny was especially proud of hers and taped it on our back door.  I did discover that glitter on carpet is not an easy clean-up, and I think that in fact it multiplies—later, I even found some in Delaney’s hair!  But, it was so worth it to see them have such a good time, and was nice to not have them run wild after such a busy day.


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Then, Franny had the idea to make binoculars out of the left over tree trunks that we didn’t use this morning.  Such a great idea, I thought!  They taped them together, added a string, and wore them around until they just got too smooshed.  Had the day been any longer, I am curious to know what ideas Franny would have come up with next.  I see a lot more crafts in our future!


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